FAQThis section contains the most frequently asked questions regarding your local McMinn County Government. Hopefully these will answer any questions that you might have. Click on the following departments to get questions or scroll down to view all departments. Assessor's Office County Mayor's Office County Trustee Circuit Court Election Commission Juvenile Services
Public Utility Property Commercial Property Industrial Property Business Personal Property Residential Property Farm Property |
55% 40% 40% 30% 25% 25% |
The assessed value of a residential property with an appraised value of $100,000 would be 25,000.
(.25 X $100,000 = $25,000)
A commercial property appraised at the same value would have an assessed value of $40.000.
(.40 X $100,000 = $40,000)
3 - What is personal property?
Personal Property is the tangible and intangible property used, or held for use, in a business. "Business" includes:
- Partnerships
- Corporation
- Other business Association not issuing stock
- Individuals operating for a profit as a business or profession in McMinn County.
There are 10 groups of tangible personal property:
- Furniture, fixtures, general equipment, and all other property not listed in any other group
- Computers, copiers, fax machines, peripherals, and small tools
- Molds, dies, and jigs
- Aircraft, towers, and boats
- Manufacturing machinery
- Billboards, tanks, and pipelines
- Scrap properties
- Raw materials
- Vehicles
- Construction-in-progress
4 - How is personal property appraised?
The tangible personal property schedule is used to calculate personal property schedule is used to calculate personal property appraisals for businesses. When completing the schedule for a business, it is important to include all tangible personal property used or held for use in the business as of January 1 of the current year. To avoid a forced assessment, a completed schedule must be returned to the Assessor before March 1 of each year.
Some quick tips:
- For each group of property items, list the original cost by the year acquired under Revised Cost
- For years in which the cost on file is provided, list any now cost totals resulting form acquisition or dispositions of property (under Revised Cost)
- Equipment purchased at the end of a lease must be reported in the year in which the lease began showing the original lease contract cost, not the payoff year and value
- Personally owned items used in a business must be reported in the year in which the lease began showing the original lease contract cost, not the payoff year and value
- A separate schedule must be filed for each business location
All items fully depreciated or exposed on your accounting records must be included.
For more information on completing a personal property schedule, contact the personal property department:
Jane Glass
McMinn County Courthouse
6 E Madison Ave.
Athens, TN 37303
5 - What is a forced assessment?
A forced assessment occurs when a business owner fails to file a personal property schedule. When a business owner fails to file a personal property schedule, the assessor has no information to determine a personal property assessment; therefore, the last year's appraisal is duplicated. To have a forced assessment set aside, an appeal must be filed with the local Board of Equalization prior to the current year's deadline.
6 - Why is reappraisal necessary?
Reappraisal eliminates inequities which are created over time by changes in the real estimate market, ensuring fairness and equity for all property owners. A property's fair market value can increase or decrease. If the assessor's record of a property's fair market value does not change with the market, some people could pay too much in property taxes, while others could pay too little. That's why the state of Tennessee requires the McMinn county Assessor to conduct reappraisals every five years. Reappraisals allow the assessor to adjust property values so that every property in McMinn County is appraised at fair market value. The cost reappraisal occurred in 2003 and the next reappraisal is scheduled for 2008.
Between reappraisal cycles, the assessor's staff:
- Visually inspects all property in McMinn County so that the assessor's assessment records reflect each property's actual characteristics, such as: square footages, story height, extension wall type, garage, carport and detached buildings.
- Verifies all property transfers as they occur in the market places. Appraisals verify each sales in order to ensure it is an arm-length transaction. These verified sales and recorded in a sales file to compare to properties of similar size, age, location and description to help establish fair and equitable property values.
State law protects property owners during reappraisal years. State laws also protect property owners from paying more than their fair share of property tax because a reappraisal has occurred. It provides for adjusting the tax rate to a level that would bring in the same amount of revenue as before the reappraisal years at the expense of the property owners.
The Assessor's office is your complete resource for property-related information in McMinn County. We can answer question on a wide range of topics from property ownership and sales history to appraisals and square footage.
McMinn County Courthouse
6 East Madison Avenue
Athens, TN 3703
[email protected]
County Mayor's Office
1 - How do I report a littering problem on my county road?
Call the County Mayor's office at 745-7634 and your road will be placed on the list for the next available cleanup.
2 - What is the current population of McMinn County?
According to the latest 2000 census, McMinn County had approximately 49,015 residents.
3 - What is the tax rate in McMinn County?
The property tax rate is $1.90 per $100.00 of assessed value. Residential dwellings are assessed at 25% of value, while commercial structures are assessed at 40% of value. The sales tax rate is 9% on the dollar.
4 - Where do I get a copy of the McMinn County Subdivision Regulations?
You may obtain a copy from the County Mayor's office at a cost of $5.00 or click here to download a free copy.
5 - When does the County Commission meet?
The McMinn County Commission meets on the third Monday of each month at 7:30 PM in the Blue Room of the Courthouse. Special called meetings may take place at any time with proper notification.
6 - Does the county help with putting gravel on driveways?
It is against the law for the county to make improvements to private property. However, the Highway Department will place tiles for new driveway connections since the tiles will be on county right-of-way.
7 - What services are offered at the McMinn County Airport?
The McMinn County Airport offers routine airplane maintenance, inspections, fuel, storage, plane rental and flight instruction. Commercial passenger service is not offered.
Click here for additional information on the airport.
[email protected]
Phone: (423) 745-7634
Fax: 423-745-0095
County Trustee
1 - What is the County Trustee's primary job?
The Trustee's primary responsibility is to collect property taxes and invest idle funds.
2 - What are the collection dates?
October 1st. through following February 28th without penalty. On or after March 1st, penalty and interest of 1 1/2% per month is added to delinquent taxes.
3 - Can payment of Taxes be mailed?
Yes, payment of taxes may be made by mail. Post mark date determines payment date. A receipt will be returned via mail.
4 - Can they put a lien of property for delinquent taxes?
Yes, Delinquent taxes are a lien on the property regardless of ownership. Title search: Purchasers of property are urged to check for delinquent taxes or liens against the property they plan to purchase.
5 - When are tax notices mailed?
Annual Tax Notices are mailed in October to the owner of the property as of January 1st.
6 - What if my mailing address has changed?
Current mailing address is the responsibility of property owner who must notify the Assessor of Property.
7 - Is there any tax relief for the elderly and disabled?
Yes, elderly tax relief information is available for low income property owners over sixty five.
8 - Is there any tax relief for disabled veterans?
Yes, There are programs for 100% veterans. Information available at the trustee office.
9 - Can I pay my current taxes before I pay my delinquent taxes?
No, delinquent taxes, must be paid before current taxes can be paid.
Circuit Court
1 - What is the filing fee for General Session Court Civil Warrant?
$123.45 for one defendant and $22.00 for each additional defendant.
2 - What is the filing fee for petition for contempt?
3 - What is the filing fee for a divorce case with minor children?
4 - What is the filing fee for a divorce case without minor children?
5 - Where does one make application for a passport?
The Circuit Court Clerk's Office.
6 - What is the fee for a Passport?
Age 16 and over ($67.00 certified check plus $30.00 service fee)
- Age 15 and under ($42.00 certified check pluse $30.00 service fee)
(Additional $35.00 is required for expedited service)
7 - What documents are needed to apply for a passport?
Two photographs, 2x2 inches, taken within the past 6 months, previously issued passport or a birth certificate with state seal.
8 - For what period is a passport valid?
- Age 16 and over: 10 years, unless limited by the Secretary of State for a shorter period
- Age 15 and under: 5 years, unless limited by the Secretary of State
9 - How may one avoid having a speeding violation reflected on his driving record?
By attending the TN. Driver's Improvement Program and paying court costs.
10 - What agency does one contact about reinstatement of revoked or suspended license?
TN. Dept. of Safety
Financial Responsibility Section
P.O. Box 945
Nashville, TN 37202
(615) 741-3954.
11 - What child support payments will be receipted for by the Clerk's Office after October 1, 1999?
Those cases which have never been involved with child support services and those cases which do not have a wage assignment since January 1994.
12 - How are prospective jurors selected?
By computer from a list which is purchased from the TN Dept. of Safety. Voter Registration records are not used.
13 - If selected to serve on a jury panel, what is the length of service?
- Grand Jury - One year, serving alternate month.
Election Commission
1 - What if I can't make it to vote during early voting or on election day, how can I vote?
If you are age 65 or older, or physically disabled, hospitalized, physically ill, or a caretaker of a physically disabled person, you can vote at home by mail. Request for an application may be mailed, faxed or hand delivered to the office. All request must have original signature. We will send you an application and after you have completed and returned it, we will mail your ballot to you.
2 - What will I need to do when I go to my polling place to vote on Election Day?
You will have to present to the Registrar some type of identification. For example, it could be a voter registration card, driver's license, social security card, ATM card, credit card, etc. You will then complete an Election Choice form, sign a voter signature list, and the registrar will hand your ballot card to you and direct you to the voting machines.
3 - What if I forget my wallet or purse and I show up to vote with no identification, can I still vote?
Yes, however you must complete and sign an affidavit.
4 -What if I am disabled, who can help me vote?
Anyone you wish to help you may do so. The same rule applies to illiterate voters who need help as well. A Democratic or Republican election official may also help you if you wish.
5 - Can I bring a sample ballot in with me when I go in the polling place to vote?
Yes, but you may not leave it in the machine, or use it to influence other voters.
7 - What will I have to do if I have moved but did not update my address with your office?
When you show up to vote you will have to fill out a Fail-Safe Affidavit which will update your address. You may have to be sent to another polling place if your new address is in another precinct. You are required to vote in the precinct in which you live.
8 - Will I have to state which political party I belong to when I register to vote?
No. You do not register to vote by political party in the State of Tennessee. However, if you wish to vote in a primary election, you must declare which party primary in which to vote. You may only vote in one primary on the same day.
9 - What is a Primary?
As primary is an election conducted by a political party in which more than one candidate of the same party is running for the same office. A primary election will narrow the field of candidates down to one, who will then go on to run the General Election against the winner of the other political party's primary.
Juvenile Services
1 - Do you have to be involved with Juvenile Court to receive services?
No, we take non/court referrals from schools, parents, self-referrals, agencies and interested individuals. Those referred to us are at risk to be involved with Juvenile Court in the future.
2 - Is there a facility in McMinn county where juveniles can be held for long- term treatment?
No, the McMinn County Juvenile Center is funded and staffed for short-term emergency placement mainly overnight till court next day. A juvenile who is under the legal control of the McMinn County Juvenile Court can be placed in state custody are ordered to pay 21% of their income to the state for child support.
3 - What are the cost of services from the McMinn County Department of Juvenile Services?
There are no fees for our services as we are funded by McMinn County, Athens City, State and United Way of McMinn County. If a juvenile is found guilty in Juvenile Court they will have to pay court costs of $75 and a fine of $50 Parents can be fined $50 for truancy and if the juvenile is held at the Juvenile Center parents can be ordered to pay costs of up to $150 a day.
4 - Are the probation officers at the schools?
There are probation officers daily at McMinn County and Central High Schools, 2 days a week at Athens Junior High School and One-half a day at Westside and North City Schools.
5 - Do you have E-Mail and Fax numbers?
[email protected]
Fax: (423)745-7872