Veterans Services

· What Is Offered
· Who is Eligible for VA Benfits
· Disability Benefits
· Education and Training
· Vocational Rehabilitation
· Home Loans
· Burial Benefits
· Dependents' and Survivors' Benefits
· Health Care
· Life Insurance

 Veterans Affairs

 The McMinn County Veterans Affairs Office assists McMinn County veterans work to obtain benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, "VA" for short.  The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs offer a wide range of benefits to our Nation's veterans, service members and families.

Veterans Benefits Administration pledges to:

  • Treat you with courtesy, compassion and respect at all times.
  • Communicate with you accurately completely and clearly.
  • Provide timely service to you.
  • Make our services accessible to you.
  • Fully answer your questions, concerns and complaints.
  • Toll-Free Service Benefits Information and Assistance
    Each VA benefit has its own eligibility requirements.  For more information about specific benefits, you may visit the  VA office on the second floor of the McMinn County Court House, send us a message at [email protected] or call us at (423)744-1605.
    You may contact the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs at (800)827-1000.

    Special Toll-Free Numbers

    VA Life Insurance
    Office of SGLI
    Persian Gulf
    Headstones (claims status)
    Telecommunication  Device for Deaf (TDD)

    VA Online
    The Department of Veterans Affairs maintains a website with more information about VA servies, and resources allowing you to apply online for VA services.
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